Monday, April 20, 2009

Week #15

Monday: 8-12
Tuesday: 1-6
Wednesday: 8-2
Thursday: 1-6
Friday: 8-11
Saturday: 8-1

28 subtotal hours.....399/400 total hours

As my internship comes to an end, there are still a lot of tasks, decisions that need to be made before the season starts May 27th. Players are being set up with host families, front office members are still going on sales meetings, these are examples of what is going on right now. Last week, I went to the South River EMC customer appreciation trade show at the Crown Convention Center. We set up a table with other vendors to help promote and get our mascot out to a family event. I was the mascot during the event. On Saturday, Little League opening day happened. This was an extremely important time for us to promote kids camp and get families to know that our opening day was not too far away. Before we attended the ceremonies, we made an appearance at Fayetteville Beautiful. This was an event to clean up trash around Fayetteville and clean the city up. I went to College Lakes and Pine Forest Opening Days and passed around kids camp flyers, schedules to the parents of the little leaguers. The head coach/owner, Darrell, spoke to the kids on the field and gave them advice on the game of baseball. It was a successful week by getting out their in the community to show that we care and we are a service to the city. This week is pretty much the same probably busier. The Dogwood Festival is coming up this weekend and we are going to have a table set up there and hopefully it will be successful as last week was with opening day.

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